Back to the roots

Next April will be my 10th aniversary of living out of Costa Rica. It has been quite a ride and it is hard to believe that so many years have gone by. Last week I drove to one of my favorite places near my childhood house: La Represa de Cachí (Cachí’s Dam). La Represa is in the small Valle de Orosi, a beautiful and not-so-touristy valley in my hometown, Paraíso. This time the gates that release water from the dam were open. There was a crazy flow of water. What an amazing display of power!
The place is very local. On weekends it is possible to find a small market near the dam, with local produccts and food. The small villages near by the dam are quite rural and picturesque, quite refreshing from the crowded town centers. It is also nice to go for a short hike at the Parque Nacional Tapantí (Tapantí National Park).